Courses 2022

Psychosocial and legal intervention for direct assistance to victims of trafficking
This psychosocial and legal intervention course for the direct assistance of victims of trafficking focuses on the different stages and levels of the care process for this population, namely, the tools for the identification and immediate protection of the victim, the types and levels of care that can be received, as well as the systematization and evaluation of intervention processes.
Recipients :
People who directly or indirectly work or plan to work in assisting victims of trafficking
Duration : The course is designed in 4 modules with a duration of 2 months
Fee Course
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Multiplier Agents Course in Prevention of Human Trafficking

The course consists of carrying out 2 training workshops, with the objective of promoting the appropriation, construction and generation of knowledge from a multidisciplinary perspective, identifying the characteristics of the crime of Human Trafficking, as well as the ways to prevent, detect and report it. .
The workshops have theoretical-practical content since we will work with the participating public on trafficking cases and think about prevention actions in their communities. Upon completion you will receive a certificate.
Our interest is to continue carrying them out, adding new actors potentially “multiplier agents in the prevention of human trafficking.”
Conceptual and regulatory framework
How to detect if we are facing a situation of trafficking or exploitation (indicators)
What to do in a trafficking situation
Prevention strategies. Case analysis